A screenshot of a tab in a browser showing projects.daed.com. The top nav bar of the website is visible and features the following options: home, send, admin, timesheets, search, preferences, help, and logout.

Project Management

Project management is the primary tool for coordinating a project team and supporting internal and external resources. Tracking development tasks and milestones, capturing issues as they arise during development, organizing and archiving project materials, facilitating communication, and controlling budget and schedule are all hallmarks of effective project management.

Over the past twelve years, we have developed and refined a proprietary set of project management tools and processes that improve product development efficiency and quality. In addition to a core set of issue and meeting tracking applications, we have also developed a web-based project repository, concept proving ground, and project team facilitator. Our tools are flexible enough to adapt well to a range of product development strategies, from agile development to FDA-oriented design-controlled product development.

All of these tools, combined with our experienced project managers, provide an effective and efficient service for even the most demanding projects. In addition to managing our own work, Daedalus also provides project management services to client teams.